
香 港 人 文 哲 學 會 主 辦

蘇 格 拉 底 柏 拉 圖 倫 理 學 讀 書 會

主 持 人 : 葉 達 良 先 生

日 期 : 1 4 / 0 6 , 2 8 / 0 6 , 0 5 / 0 7 , 1 2 / 0 7 , 1 9 / 0 7 , 2 6 / 0 7 , 0 9 / 0 8 , 1 6 / 0 8 , 2 3 / 0 8 , 3 0 / 0 8 .
時 間 : 3 : 0 0 – 6 : 1 0 p m , 中 間 休 息 十 分 鐘 。
地 點 : 香 港 人 文 學 會 會 址 ( 荃 灣 大 涌 道 8 號 T C L 中 心 1 字 樓 1 1 0 B 室 ) ( 愉 景 新 城 對 面 , 消 防 員 宿 舍 旁 邊 ) 。
費 用 : 免 費 。
報 名 : 無 需 報 名 , 每 次 皆 可 獨 立 參 加 。

I . 簡 介

何 謂 善 人 ? 何 謂 善 生 ?
何 謂 善 ? 何 謂 德 ? 德 是 否 智 ? 知 會 否 意 ?
何 謂 福 ? 何 謂 樂 ? 有 德 是 否 有 福 ? 有 德 是 否 有 樂 ?
安 身 立 命 為 哲 思 之 終 極 關 懷 , 倫 理 為 安 身 立 命 之 初 始 學 問 。
本 讀 書 會 選 讀 若 干 柏 拉 圖 早 中 期 作 品 若 干 論 述 倫 理 課 題 之 篇 章 , 以 引 導 學 員 進 入 蘇 格 拉 底 柏 拉 圖 之 倫 理 思 考 , 開 展 倫 理 思 考 。
本 讀 書 會 不 預 設 任 何 哲 學 知 識 , 任 何 愛 智 者 皆 歡 迎 參 加 。

What is a good man? What is a good life?
What is the good? What is virtue? Is virtue a kind of wisdom? Does knowing imply will-ing?
What is happiness? What is pleasure? Does virtue imply happiness? Does virtue imply pleasure?
Explaining-and-establishing the meaning of life is the ultimate concern of philosophical thinking. Ethics is the beginning science of explaining-and-establishing the meaning of life.
This reading group studies some passages on ethical issues selected from some Plato’s ear-ly or middle works, in order to introduce the participants into Socrates’ and Plato’s ethi-cal thinking and to begin doing ethical thinking.
Philosophical knowledge is not a prerequisite for this study group. Every lover of wisdom is welcome to join it.

I I . 論 題 、 讀 本 、 日 程

1. (14/06) Human Wisdom and Love-of-Wisdom (Philosophy): Plato, Apology of Socra-tes 17a-24b & 28b-32e.
2. (28/06) Bravery: Plato, Laches 189d-194b.
3. (05/07) Bravery: Plato, Laches 194c-200c.
4. (12/07) Virtue: Plato, Meno 70a-79e.
5. (19/07) Pleasure in Relation to Good and Bravery: Plato, Protagoras 351b-360e.
6. (26/07) Pleasure in Relation to Good: Plato, Gorgias 491e-500a.
7. (09/08) Justice: Plato, Republic, Book I, 336b-347e.
8. (16/08) Justice in Relation to Happiness, Strength and Benefit: Plato, Republic, Book I, 347e-354c.
9. (23/08) Justice in Relation to Happiness and Pleasure: Plato, Republic, Book IX, 576b-588a.
10. (30/08) Justice in Relation to Benefit: Plato, Republic, Book IX, 588a-592b.

I I I . 書 目 及 簡 介

作 品 集 ( C o l l e c t i o n s ) :
1 . 柏 拉 圖 著 , 鄺 健 行 譯 : 《 柏 拉 圖 三 書 》 ( 香 港 : 香 港 學 津 出 版 社 , 一 九 八 三 年 )
2 . 柏 拉 圖 著 , 王 太 慶 譯 : 《 柏 拉 圖 對 話 集 》 ( 北 京 : 商 務 印 書 館 , 二 零 零 四 年 )
3. Plato and Aristophanes, Four Texts on Socrates, revised edition, translated with notes by Thomas G. West and Grace Starry West, introduction by Thomas G. West (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 19841 & 19982).
4. Plato, Laches and Charmides, translated with an introduction and notes by R. K. Sprague (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 1992).
5. Plato, Five Dialogues, second edition, translated by G. M. A. Grube, revised by John M. Cooper (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 20022).
6. The Trials of Socrates: Six Classic Texts, edited, with new translations of the So¬cratic dialogues, by C. D .C. Reeve (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 2002).
7. The Trial and Execution of Socrates: Sources and Controversies, Thomas C. Brick-house and Nicholas D. Smith (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2002).
8. Plato’s Gorgias and Aristotle’s Rhetoric, translation, glossary and introductory essay, Joe Sachs (Newburyport MA: Focus Publishing, R. Pullins Company, 2009).
9. Plato, Meno and Phaedo, edited by David Sedley and Alex Long, Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

Apology of Socrates is contained in [1], [2], [3], [5], [6] and [7].
Laches is contained in [2] and [4].
Meno is contained in [2], [5] and [9].
Protagoras is contained in [1].
Gorgias is contained in [8].
Republic, Book I is contained in [2].

單 行 本 (Monographs):
Apology of Socrates
10. Plato’s Apology of Socrates, an interpretation, with a new translation, Thomas G. West (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1979).
11. Plato, Apology of Socrates, edited with an introduction, translation and commentary by Michael C. Stokes (Warminster, England: Aris & Philips Ltd., 1997).
12. Musings on the Meno, a new translation with commentary by John E. Thomas (The Hague/Boston/London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1980).
13. Plato, Protagoras, translated with notes by C. C. W. Taylor, Clarendon Plato Series (Ox¬ford: Clarendon Press, 19761&19912; New York: Oxford University Press, 19912).
14. Plato, Protagoras, translated with notes by S. Lombardo and K. Bell, introduced by M. Frede (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 1992).
15. Plato, Gorgias, translated with notes by T. Irwin, Clarendon Plato Series (Oxford: Clarendon Press, New York: Oxford University Press, 1979).
16. Plato, Gorgias, translated with introduction and notes by D. J. Zeyl (Indianapolis/ Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 1987).
17. Plato, Gorgias, translated with introduction, notes and an interpretative essay by J. H. Nichols Jr. (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1998).
18. The Republic of Plato, translated with notes and an interpretative essay by Allan Bloom (New York: Basic Books, 1969).
19. Plato, Republic, translated with introduction by C. D. C. Reeve (Indianapolis/ Cam-bridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 2004).
20. Plato, Republic, translation, glossary and introductory essay, J. Sachs, with an after-word by J. White (Newburyport MA: Focus Publishing, R. Pullins Company, 2007).

[ 1 ] 譯 文 流 暢 優 美 , 文 史 註 釋 詳 盡 , 哲 理 語 言 欠 缺 準 繩 。
[ 2 ] 典 型 中 國 大 陸 譯 文 文 體 ; 哲 理 語 言 較 [ 1 ] 準 確 , 但 譯 文 偶 有 小 錯 誤 。

Generally speaking, the Hackett translations on this book list show a balance between lin-guistic fluency and philosophical acuity, so are suitable for serious beginners. (The under-standing and the execution of this balance may be different in extent in different transla-tions, e.g., Grube lays more emphasis on fluency than acuity in [5], while Reeve tries to give equal weight to both factors in [6].)

Generally speaking, the other English translations on this book list are more literal transla-tions than the Hackett ones, so some are only suitable for advanced learners, while some are suitable for serious beginners as well.

The translated text of Apology of Socrates in [3] is a revision of that in [10]. In the opin-ion of the leader of this study group, there is no apparent difference in quality in both versions; both are very good and suitable for serious beginners as well as advanced learn-ers.

[18] has been “the” classic translation of Republic for several decades. It is a literal trans-lation as such, in which Bloom tries to translate the Greek text word by word, phrase by phrase, clause by clause, and sentence by sentence, into a text in English, with a strict cor-respondence between Greek and English in technical and semi-technical terms. It is suita-ble for advanced learners; serious beginners would find it very difficult to read.

Sachs tries, while making a difference between literal translation and accurate translation, to provide accurate yet readable, non-Latinized translations in [8] and [20], which trans-mits the meaning of the original text, while respecting the original text as written on the one hand and acknowledging the difference in the range of meaning of corresponding words in different languages on the other. It is suitable for advanced learners; serious be-ginners would find [20] much less difficult to read than [18].

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